10 World-Renowned Iranian Contemporary Artists

The modern art movement in Iran begun in the period after the death of famous Persian painter, Kamal-ol-molk (1852–1940), symbolically demonstrating the end of strict adherence to the academic painting. During 1950 and 1960s, movements such as Saqqakhaneh school emerged…


Art of Khatam Kari In persian Architecture & Craft

Khatam Kari is one of the Persian arts of marquetry, wherein the surface of wooden or metallic articles is decorated with pieces of wood, bone and metal cut in a variety of shapes and designs. Materials used in this craft…


Art of Mirrorwork in Iranian Architecture

Art of mirrors is surely one of the most delicate architectural decorations in Islamic-Iranian civilization. Essentially, mirrorwork is the art of making ordered, symmetric and geometrical designs using large and small pieces of the mirror for decorating interior surfaces of…


Persian Tiling

Tiling is one of the most important traditional handicrafts and art forms in Iran. Examples of Achaemenid’s glazed bricks used in Persepolis and Susa, as well as the beautiful patterns of tileworks in the Achaemenid, Parthian and Sassanid periods and,…


Persian Miniature

The art of miniature painting in Persia flourished from the 13th through the 16th A.D. centuries and continues to this day. Originally, Persian miniatures were commissioned as book illustrations for Persian illuminated manuscripts. Some Persian miniatures take up to a year…