Nevada Fly Geyser, America

The Nevada Fly Geyser, located in Washoe County, Nevada in United Estate of America. It is one of the most impressive places on earth for photographers and tourists, although it was not formed completely naturally.
Several years ago, a group of men decided to drill the ground in search of new sources of geothermal energy. Finally they found a thermal water of more than 200 degrees centigrade. Thermal water jets are constantly released reaching 1.5 meters in height and the temperature of the water exiting the geyser can exceed 93 °C. The geyser has multiple conic openings sitting on a mound: the cones are about 1.8 m, and the entire mound is 7.6 to 9.1 m tall.






Dissolved minerals in the water, including calcium carbonate and silica, accumulated, and creating the cones and travertine pools. Dissolved minerals began to rise and accumulate creating strange shapes in different colors, today is still growing It should be noted that around this natural monument there is a varied biodiversity, with hundreds of types of birds, mammals, plants and some beautiful lakes, a spectacular oasis in the state of Nevada.








