Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, set up in 1982, is the first authorized national forest park in the northwest of China. The area covers 480 thousand square meters (185 square miles). It belongs to the sub-tropical climate of Central Asia: warm in winter and cool in summer. About 98% of the area is covered with vegetation. Some of them can be traced back as early as the Fourth Ice Age. The Park also boasts a variety of more than 149 kinds of animals. 
 Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is endowed with many attraction spots, such as the Yellow Stone Stronghold (also known as Yellow Stone Village, is the largest observing spot of the forest park), Yaozizhai, Yuanjiajie (a mountain platform, inspiration of the “Avatar” movie, with many peaks and valleys and giant sandstone pinnacle, rise skyward from the valley floor, some up to 200m tall with tufts of evergreen shrubs clinching to their narrow summits), and the Golden Whip Stream (the crystal clear water makes it possible to observe every action of the fish in the water).

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park holds the esteemed title of being China’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site.



















